Output XML
Example of writing an XML request to an HTTP endpoint.
Prepare an XML payload:
The Intelligence Hub can pass strings across the application.
In the following example, an XML structure is typed up in a Transform as a string using template literal (`).
// xample XML value
const exampleXML = `<root_element>
<levelTwoElementOne>Value 1</levelTwoElementOne>
<levelTwoElementTwo>Value 2</levelTwoElementTwo>
<levelThreeElementOne>Nested Value 1</levelThreeElementOne>
<levelThreeElementTwo>Nested Value 2</levelThreeElementTwo>
<levelTwoElementOne>Value 3</levelTwoElementOne>
<levelTwoElementTwo>Value 4</levelTwoElementTwo>
<levelTwoElementFour>Value 5</levelTwoElementFour>
// set the value that gets passed to the next Stage
Configure the output:
Write New Stage Configuration:
- Set 'content-type' in the Header:
- content-type: application/xml
- Set Body Type to Template. This allows FreeMarker template engine to be applied on the event.value. Here we are using it to remove the outermost double-quotes from the XML string (see REF 1):
${value[1..value?length - 2]}
- Content-type may need to be set as "text/xml" instead of "application/xml". Refer to your endpoint documentation.
- Some endpoints may require whitespace characters (space, newline, tab) to be removed from the serialized XML string, in which case a function can be called to carry this out.
- Leverage the modeling engine with the use of Model/Instances and transforming it to an XML string.
- If XML namespaces and attributes are needed in the XML elements, these can be coded into the XML string, or added into the FreeMarker Template expression.