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Reference Solution: Creating and Writing to Points in AVEVA PI System

This article captures the design considerations for creating a solution to create and or write to PI Points in AVEVA PI System

What Does This Article Cover?

An Intelligence Hub solution can be created to obtain data and write the data to AVEVA PI System to create and update PI Points.  Intelligence Hub provides flexibility for the format of the PI Point name.  The following describes how a solution can be created.

Design Assumptions

The following are some of the design considerations.

  • This design approach should be used to create PI Points and write to PI Points in AVEVA PI Data Archive.  An alternative approach should be used to if Asset Framework is in scope.  ​
  • This approach uses the Intelligence Hub PI Connection Point Output.


Overall Solution Configuration​

The following describes the Intelligence Hub configuration objects.​

  • Obtain data from an external source.  This includes the value to write to PI and possibly the timestamp and data that will be used to name the PI Point.
  • Create an Intelligence Hub Model that will be used to structure a payload.
  • Configure a PI Connection Point Type Output.
  • Create a Pipeline with a trigger with the desired polling frequency.
  • Read the process value to write to PI into the Pipeline.
  • Structure the payload using a Pipeline Model stage.
  • Use a Transform stage to structure the payload for the PI Connection Output.  The name of the value's attribute will be used in the PI Point name. 
  • Configure a Write Stage to write the data to the PI Connection Point Output. ​


Other Considerations 

The following should be considered related to this design ​

  • Consider the Update Options on the PI Connection Output and how the Data Archive should be updated for the respective use case.​
  • The duration to create a PI Point is longer than the duration to insert a new value to the Data Archive so consider this especially when creating a large number of PI Points.


Solution Video

The following video captures a reference solution.

Additional Resources

PI System Output Settings