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How-To: Exchange Data with InfluxDB

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Intelligence Hub includes a configurable Connection that allows Intelligence Hub solutions to exchange data with InfluxDB. The InfluxDB Connection supports writing Intelligence Hub payloads to InfluxDB and using Flux query to obtain data from InfluxDB. The process to perform these actions are provided below. These instructions assume that the user has a valid InfluxDB account and has intermediate knowledge of Intelligence Hub and InfluxDB.

  • What is InfluxDB?
  • Configuring a Connection with InfluxDB
  • Configuring an Output to InfluxDB
  • Configuring an Input from InfluxDB
  • Other related material

What is InfluxDB?

InfluxDB is an open-source time series database developed by the company InfluxData. It is used for storage and retrieval of time series data in fields such as operations monitoring, application metrics, Internet of Things sensor data, and real-time analytics.

Configuring a Connection with InfluxDB:

To configure the Intelligence Hub InfluxDB Connection a valid URL, Token, and Organization Name must be entered. The URL field is used to specify the URL to connect to. This is the base URL to the InfluxDB API. The Token field is used to specify the token provided by InfluxDB to authenticate the connection. This token limits what HighByte Intelligence Hub has access to in InfluxDB. The Organization Name is used to specify the Organization Name in Influx. This is optional, and when left blank the default organization for the account is used. Each of these values may be obtained from InfluxDB.

Configuring an Output to InfluxDB:

An Intelligence Hub Flow can be configured to send data to an InfluxDB Connection Output. There are many Connection Output configuration options to define how data is sent to InfluxDB. The Output settings options are described below.

Bucket: A bucket is analogous to a database in a SQL System and it specifies the InfluxDB location to write data to. This bucket must exist in InfluxDB and be accessible by the connection token.

Measurement: A measurement is conceptually similar to a table and it specifies the measurement name. If left blank, the Intelligence Hub model or data type name is used. This field supports dynamic outputs.

Name: Specifies the name tag added to the measurement. If left blank, the Intelligence Hub input or instance name is used. This field supports dynamic outputs.

Tags: The tags associated with the data written to InfluxDB. Tags are a way to organize data in InfluxDB. Each tag is placed on a newline. As an example, tags can be used with dynamic outputs to organize data in an ISA-95 structure.

Timestamp: Specifies the timestamp of the data written to InfluxDB. If left blank, the timestamp of the payload is used. To set the timestamp either provide a UTC ISO-8601 format timestamp or the UTC epoch value in milliseconds. This field support dynamic outputs.

Configuring an Input from InfluxDB:

An Intelligence Hub InfluxDB Connection Input can be used to obtain information from InfluxDB. A Flux query is used to obtain data from InfluxDB.

Other related material

Intelligence Hub InfluxDB Connection

Flux query syntax